LIFE GySTRA Final Conference summary.
To celebrate the end of LIFE GySTRA project, the project has organised a final online event as a clause to its three years of work. The conference took place last June 28. More than 35 people from all round Europe registered to the event. The event started with an...
Finding manipulated trucks in Madrid, Spain
Our system is being used by Guardia Civil, a National Police Authority in Spain, to find in real time trucks that have their SCR system tampered with. The RSD+ measures the emissions of each truck. If they surpass a certain limit, the police immediately pull over the...
LIFE GySTRA actively participates in the EcoAP Forum
The LIFE GySTRA project was invited as a case study in the "Transport and Air Quality" session at the "21st European Forum on Eco-Innovation for air quality" held in Sofia on 5th and 6th February. During the session, Dolores Hidalgo (CARTIF), representative of the...
Sofia and Budapest, next destinations of LIFE GySTRA
2018 is presented as a traveling year for the LIFE GySTRA project, which will increase its presence in international forums where future EU policies on air quality will be forged. These are our next two appointments as speakers: 21st European Forum on Eco-Innovation:...
GySTRA kids learn how not to pollute
Yesterday, December 4, representatives of the LIFE GySTRA project spent a wonderful afternoon with children from Pre-school Education and Primary Education learning how not to pollute our cities to have a clean air in order no to have war a mask on the street, as it...
The DGT confirms its commitment to the LIFE GySTRA
Last Friday 27th, part of the LIFE GySTRA project team had its first working session in the facilities of the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) in Madrid. During the meeting, the execution of the first two project actions was planned: the planification of each...
The air quality, under discussion in Barcelona
LIFE GySTRA project takes part in Barcelona in the international LIFE Platform Meeting on Air Quality: abating urban exposure to air pollutants took place in Barcelona, an event organized by LIFE AIRUSE (Testing and Develpment of air quality mitigation...
LIFE GySTRA project organises the II event “Car Exhaust and environmental policies”
The LIFE GySTRA project, financed by the European Union, seeks to create a new sustainable mobility policy based on empirical information on road traffic emissions. Vehicles are measured in real-driving conditions with Remote Sensing Devices. Remote Sensing technology...
Life GySTRA at CEM 2018 in Budapest
The 13th International Conference on Emissions Monitoring took place in the Hungarian capital on May 16th-18th. During the meeting, the global need to reduce emissions of polluting gases in all sectors was discussed. LIFE GySTRA project was represented in poster...
LIFE GySTRA in the Spanish radio (RNE)
On January 18, Dolores Higalgo (CARTIF), coordinator of the LIFE GySTRA project, was interviewed in the Road Safety program of RNE to comment on the main novelties contributed by the project. You can listen to the audio here (minute 50, in Spanish)
First steps for the implementaion of the LIFE GySTRA project in Graz
On December 22, Josefina de la Fuente (CEO of OPUS RSE) met at the facilities of the City of Graz with Elke Kahr and Wolfgang Wehap, Traffic Councilor and Head of Service, respectively. During the meeting, the following steps were agreed to implement RSD+ technology...
Concluded the project Action A2: Selection of the exact sites of the deployment of RSD+ according legislation
A wide screening of the roads of Madrid area has been carried out. On-site inspection of around 50 locations has been done by OPUS RSE. Most of those locations meet the requirements needed for the deployment of a RSD+ device, but only 13 of them had very good...
Brussels welcomes the new LIFE 2016 projects
Representatives of all the LIFE projects approved in the 2016 call have been gathered togheter in Brussels for the kick-off meeting of these new projects. The LIFE GySTRA, coordinated by CARTIF, was presented at the Air and Health session. This project has two goals...
The European Parliament hosts a conference on RSD
After the "Dieselgate" scandal, the Plenary of the European Parliament called, in their respective recommendations to national legislators and member states, to "establish remote monitoring systems for the fleet" and "the creation of a large-scale remote sensing...
Second monitoring meeting held
On April 8th, the LIFE GySTRA consortium held its second monitoring meeting. OPUS RSE hosted this meeting. Representatives of all partners attended the meeting together with the project monitor, Raquel Navarrete. The meeting explained in detail action by action the...
LIFE GySTRA is presented in the “laboratory of ideas for the road”
The Spanish Road Association organised last April 5th the 3er Workshop AECLAB "Thinking of mobility, thinking on the road" attended by representatives of companies in the sector, as well as the administration and research groups active in new technologies related to...
First monitoring meeting of the LIFE GySTRA project
Last Friday, the first monitoring meeting of the LIFE GySTRA project took place in Madrid. The project team, together with the NEMO external monitor, Raquel Navarrete, analysed the progress made to date as well as the oncoming actions. During the meeting, the...
Ongoing project Action A1: Planification of each sustainable mobility policiy (Madrid and Graz)
In these first months of the project, the GySTRA team is working with the different local, national and European administrations to analyze the current situation of the control of traffic pollution policy, with special attention to the regulations planned for Remote...
“El Mundo” newspaper publishes a special report on the LIFE GySTRA
The newspaper "El Mundo" dedicates today its special supplement Innovators in Castilla y León to the LIFE GySTRA project. The article, signed by Estibaliz Lera, highlights the interest of the project team in involving the population in a positive way to achieve an...
LIFE GySTRA Kick-of meeting
Today, the kick-off meeting of the LIFE GySTRA project took place in Madrid, under the presence of the whole consortium, composed of CARTIF, OPUS RSE, CIEMAT, DGT and the Sofia City Council. This project purposes the implementation of a new...