Expected results
LIFE GySTRA will strive for achieving the following Results:
Sustainable mobility policy based on a legal frame to identify High Emitter vehicles and reduce traffic emissions.
Public model
In the Spanish pilot (Madrid), 700,000 vehicles per year will be monitored with two RSD+ devices. Circa 5% of those vehicles (according estimations) will be identified as High Emitters.
Owners of High Emitters will be notified to proceed with car reparation. Specific actions will be implemented in the frame of this project in order to promote the repair of these vehicles.
All vehicle measurements will be registered to calculate emission savings.
With the repair of the High Emitters it is expected to achieve reductions of CO, HC and NO emissions of 617 t/y, 89 t/y and 518 t/y, respectively, in Madrid, and the projection for all the country would be 17,779 t/y, 2,463 t/y and 15,320 t/y, respectively. This is an estimated emission savings of 14.8% (CO), 2.8% (HC) and 22.7% (NOx, NO and NO2) of the total volume of emissions according to the numbers of the Inventory of the Emissions to the Atmosphere in Spain.
In the CORETRA project, the vehicles identified as High Emitters emit 33 Mt of CO2 per year in Spain. If only the half of the total High Emitters are repaired, it would be possible to reduce CO2 emissions up to 16 Mt per year.
The Spanish public model will be based on a national legislation that will be enforceable in all regions of Spain.
Fleet model
In the Bulgarian pilot (Sofia) a controlled fleet of 150 buses will be continuously monitored.
A recent study on buses concluded that identifying 6.6% of High Emitters and repairing them, their emissions were reduced by up to 84%, contributing with a saving of up to 17% and an average of 9% of the total bus fleet.
Emission savings will be higher in a continuous monitoring program. Fuel savings are expected to be 3-5% for the High Emitters.
Develop a new RSD+ prototype which complies with EU standards, small and versatile, able to be installed in fixed locations, with uncertainty less than 15% applied to all the emissions: NO, CO, HC and PM, and NO2.
Model replicable, with two different approaches: a public model based on a policy deployed through a legal framework for the control of emissions from city traffic and a private fleet model for control and regulation of traffic emissions from the vehicle fleet.
Dissemination of the results to more than 50,000 people from all sectors. The final result will be the global acceptation of this policy. All citizens will be aware of the policy and its results and around 30% of the car holders in Madrid will have their vehicle measured by the RSD+.