The LIFE GySTRA project is awakening great interest among the digital press media dedicated to the engine.
Motorpasion, SoyMotor, OmniAuto, El Español, SoyMotero, Solomoto, AutoBild, Tecnocarreteras, EntretenimientoBit, Motor.atresmedia, Autopista, Forocoches, Amaxofilia, Businessinsider, Periodismodelmotor, El Economista, Caranddriver, ok diario, Autofacil, Autonoción, Diariomotor, Yotaxi, Motoradictos, Troposfera or La Voz de Galicia,are just some examples of the media that have echoed the progress of this project.
Some clarifications:
- The GySTRA technology, which will be developed by the company OPUS RSE, will initially be installed in Madrid and Graz in order to reduce pollution in both cities.
- The objective of the project is to detect the most polluting vehicles and promote their repair, seeking all times the cooperation of the owner.
- The project partners are OPUS RSE, CIEMAT, DGT and Graz City Council.
- Other entities such us the City Counclils of Madrid, Valladolid, Götteborg or Lille, the Spanish Ministry of Environment (MAGRAMA), the Spanish Ministry of Health (MSSSI), the Castilla y León Regional Ministry of Health, the Energy Agency of Barcelona, the Spanish Road Technology Platform, the Spanish Road Association, the Smart City VyP Association, the RACC o the CIVINET network,among others, are not project partners but they support the LIFE GySTRA project.