
Галерия на проекта:

Ecomondo 2019

Innova Carretera 2019

Car Exhaust 2019

Premios ITS /

ITS awards

Campaña de detección de camiones manipulados en colaboración con la Guardia Civil /

Campaign of detection of tampered trucks in collaboration with the Civil Guard

Inicio de la campaña de medición en Madrid /

Start of the measurement campaign in Madrid

LIFE GySTRA en los colegios 2019 /

LIFE GySTRA at schools 2019

Zero emission cities: Exchange of best-practices between EU cities and regions

13º CEM Budapest 2018

Car Exhaust and environmental policies: The potential of Remote Sensing 2018

3º Workshop AECLAB "Thinking of mobility, thinking on the road"

EcoAP Forum

1ª Reunión de monitorización /

1st Monitoring meeting

LIFE GySTRA en los colegios 2017 /

LIFE GySTRA at Schools 2017

Visita a las instalaciones de la DGT /

Visit to DGT facilities

Kick off meeting Bruselas /

Kick off meeting Brussels

Kick off meeting LIFE GySTRA

LIFE Platform Meeting on Air Quality: abating urban exposure to air pollutants

Car Exhaust en la Comisión Europea /

Car Exhaust European Comission

Car Exhaust en la Comisión Europea /

Car Exhaust European Comission

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